Saturday, September 6, 2014

How much does your Dreams cost?

Whether we like it or not, our dreams come with a Price Tag, and most of the time, it is EXPENSIVE, right?

Have you ever tried computing for the COST of your dreams?
Yes? No?

Let's see, a basic house and lot can cost you more than a million. A basic car can cost you also a million or more.

What about traveling? Do you love to travel? What places do you want to visit? A budget trip to Palawan could cost you 15K. How about traveling abroad? A trip to Europe can cost you more than a 100USD. Depending on your personal choice, would you choose to forever travel on a budget or would you choose to experience traveling first class style?

What about your children's education? Of course, I'm sure you would want to send them to the best schools here in the Philippines and even send them to graduate school programs abroad. When that time comes, do you think you can afford it?

What about retirement? As early as now, at the age of 26, I am already thinking about retiring at the young age of 35 so I would have more time to spend with my family and I think you should start thinking about it too. Have you ever thought of the amount you will need in order for you to retire comfortably? Coz we know that upon retirement, the income stops but the expenses will continue. Do you think a retirement benefit from your company will give you a comfortable and stress-free retirement? 

One element of success is knowing what you want. Clarity means refining your vision and hopes for the future as specifically as possible. But the more precisely you can envision, the more likely you will end up where you belong. - Steven J. Lund

Are you ready to know the COST of your Dreams?


Let's build your dreams right now and immortalize it on paper. First, take a moment to reflect on the following questions and write down your answers as specific as you can on a notebook or a piece of paper. (Just make sure you don't lose this!)

1. What is your dream?
2. What excites you?
3. What are the things you want to have and the places you want to visit?
4. What kind of future do you envision 5 to 10 years from now?
5. What things do you want to do if you have TIME freedom?
6. Who do you want to spend your time with? 

Once you've written down your answers, the next step is to create your VISION board or dream board. To do this, you need pictures that will represent your dreams. You can look for it in magazines, or Google it then print it then cut it out. Paste them in a 1/4 illustration board or in your journal. As you do this, I encourage you to feel the EXCITEMENT and be as SPECIFIC as you can. 

Once your dream board is finished, tell yourself this: Anything is POSSIBLE when you COMMIT to working to reach your dream! I invite you to look at it everyday and surrender your dreams to God, submit it wholeheartedly to him and believe without a doubt that He will make it happen for you. 

Choose your dream, calculate the cost, and choose wisely

As I've mentioned, our dreams come with a price tag. In order for you to plan effectively on how you can achieve it, we have to determine the cost of your dream and how much you will need to save/invest in order to achieve it. 

Compute how much you will need through our dream calculator for a #brighterlife.

Once you are able to find out how much you will need, it's time for me to help you customize a plan based on your current financial situation. Click here to request for a free proposal and I'd be happy to help you plan your next step of action. 

It's time to achieve a brighter future today! :)

"May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed." Psalm 20:4

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And my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. - Phillipians 4:19